Tuesday, 24 January 2017

#Canada150 Thumbnail Sketches

I wasn't able to complete my original idea for my #Canada150 project, due to complications with the video and photo sources I was going to use. So instead, I decided that I was going to make a zine and showcase the same, general idea that I had for my first version of the project, but with a bit of a twist. I was still going to highlight the flaws and mistakes that our country has made, but I was also going to show current issues, as well reflect what Canada looks like today: diverse, multicultural, and different.

My plan is to have every page be a reflection of an issue within Canada; whether that be a past issue or one that we're facing now. Some of the pages are going to be devoted to discussing residential schools and other native issues, while another will be focused on the LGBTQ+ community, and yet another on #BlackLivesMatter.

While I didn't do thumbnail sketches, because I wasn't creating a drawing or painting, I did do some planning. I tried to plan out the issues I was going to showcase and the layout of the zine itself.

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